Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Running Late

It's been forever since we've updated. Once again, we're delinquent.

There's not a whole lot to report. We're just in a holding pattern of waiting to be chosen. I keep hoping that each day will be "THE DAY" that we get a call, knowing full well that we have only just started this journey. We are not quite 5 months into what is supposed to be a 15-18 month wait on average.

I've not been feeling very motivated to work on the baby's room lately, but I'm starting to get the itch. I think it has something to do with the warmer weather and spring cleaning bug. I did talk to a family friend (who is a phenomenal seamstress) about making some custom curtains and bedding. We'll start making progress on this front again soon. We'll try to get some pictures posted soon too.

Thanks for all of you who have asked how things are going. Knowing that someone else cares about our journey means a lot.

- Ann

1 comment:

  1. I too hope that each day will be 'the day' for your two, everytime we talk I am hopeful for great news. Keep positive and your day will come, your are great people and deserve great things. Love you.
