Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The past month

Since the homestudy, I think we've been decompressing a little bit. The house was never cleaner than it was for the homestudy, and it's been kind of a disaster ever since. Well, not that bad, but we've been a little lax about things!

On Saturday 10/3, we attended the transracial transcultural training seminar that our agency requires for all prospective parents looking to adopt a child from a race that is not their own. Grandparents are also encouraged to attend, so my mom & dad came along for the day. Some of what they talked about we had already heard in other meetings, but there was plenty of new info and things to think about. The best part of the day in my opinion was the panel of adult adoptees who had grown up in multi-racial families. I could have listened to them talk all day long.

We have not made much more progress on finishing the nursery. There are wallpaper cut outs to be installed, an outlet to replace, shelves to build, paint, and install in the closet, curtains and a light fixture to be bought & hung, a wall hanging to make, and I have to get started on a quilt. I have made a quilt for a lot of my friend's little ones, and I have got to make one for my own baby. I have one to finish still for a little guy that made his arrival in July (yikes!), and I need to make one (or three?) more for a friend (friends?) depending on how ambitious I am feeling.

Last Saturday, we went and registered at two stores. It was so fun! We were at the first place for nearly 3 hours. It was a little overwhelming at times, but we still had a great time. The staff was really helpful and offered us bottled water! We even got a goody bag which included a bottle and pacifier - yay! The next store was much quicker as they have a much smaller selection. We still got a goody bag though! It was hard to resist buying all of the cute things though! I refrained from buying the tub toys that I really wanted, but I could not resist one of the books that we found. Hippos Go Berserk by Sandra Boynton just had to be mine - it was the last one on the shelf! =)

Here's hoping our next update will include pictures of a nearly finished nursery. Fingers Crossed!