Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The homestudy

Four and a half hours is a long time, and yet it felt much shorter.

I was a little surprised at the extent of questions pertaining to extended family. "How often do you communicate with your sister?" "How would you describe your relationship with your brother?" "How were you disciplined by your parents?"

My brain immediately supplied funny (to me) answers, which I rejected in favor of honest and straightforward answers. The rejected answers to the above questions: "Actually, we're permanently telepathically linked, and she doesn't care for your tone." "Strictly platonic, no matter what he tells you." "They turned me into a newt.... I got better."

I even made the interviewer get just a little sniffly at one point. She asked me to describe a highlight of my relationship with Ann... and I choked up trying to describe what I felt when I saw her in her bridal gown for the first time. I was so close to crying at the memory that all I could say about seeing her was, "The world stopped."

It did, incidentally. You may not have noticed, but only the grace of God kept us all on the planet.

Although there are still a few technicalities to work out (who knew that we would need to report the acreage of our property?), we have been told to consider ourselves "approved."

We could theoretically be "on the shelf" within days... and then it's just a matter of waiting until the next time the world stops.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Two posts in one day?

Don't faint y'all!

But I have an update!

Our homestudy will be on September 15th starting at 3:30 PM. It is supposed to take 3-4 hours.

I'm already nervous.


I think we're just going to have to admit that we're terrible at meeting deadlines.

I would claim that I don't know where the time has gone since our last update, but I know where it went - we've been busy!

We took a 10-day vacation to Minneapolis-St.Paul and Northern Wisconsin at the start of August. We had so much fun babysitting Sweet Pea for a week. It was sort of a trial by fire as far as "test parenting" goes - a week with a two-year-old could have been a disaster BUT it was a blast! She is so much fun to be with, and we loved visiting with Ann's sister and her husband and his family.

As soon as we returned from that sojourn, we had a few days to prepare for the arrival of David's family. The "New York Invasion 2009" started with a 6-day visit from David's brother, his wife, and daughter - Eldest Niece. It was fun to have them around and spend time visiting with no real agenda. Whenever we go out east for a holiday there is always so much hubbub that we never get a chance to just sit & visit. Eldest Niece got to take part in the Indy Zoo Dolphin Encounter as an early birthday gift - it was really cool!

Two days after this New York contingent left, David's parents arrived for a 5-day stay. Yay! We love getting to see them every summer. We never plan to do very much, and that's just the way we all like it! We spent Sunday crawling around the local flea market looking for "treasures". Ann found a small antique platter for $1 - it was a great bargain! David got an early birthday gift from his parents when he found NFL baseball-style caps. He already owned 4, but I think he picked up 19 or 20 more for a great price. He was very excited to add to his collection!

Also, in exciting baby room news, we were able to order our crib from "The Red Dot Boutique" - aka Target - with free shipping (Yay for $107 saved!), and it arrived while David's parents were with us, so it was assembled while they were out. Now both sets of grandparents have helped create the baby's room in some way. =)

After all of that, the month of August was pretty well gone. However, last weekend, Ann sat down, put her nose to the grindstone and finished the scrapbook! Yay! It looks incredible - we are both very proud of what was created. On Monday, we were able to call the sgency and leave a message that we are ready to schedule our homestudy. We are still waiting for a return call. We'll update as soon as we know something.