Monday, December 14, 2009

All this waiting...

Hey, folks. Sorry we're not updating every two weeks like we planned. Life has been incredibly busy this past month.

There's not a whole lot to update. We're just about at one year since the first meeting we attended for the adoption process, back in the days when I thought the "fifteen to eighteen months" average timeline started at that meeting, as opposed to a few months ago when we finished going through all of the preparation. At that point I thought I'd have a baby in my arms by the spring of 2010. Now, I'm thinking it will be much longer.

We're still making progress in preparations; we've purchased or received a few various items that we know we'll want/need. We're still plotting out the best use of the tiny closet in the nursery, and we're still looking at all sorts of baby clothes every time we go shopping for our infant niece. Other than that, it's just a lot of waiting and working on the busy things we have going on in the rest of our lives.
