Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gah! Late again!

Good Grief! We're late with another update...we'll try harder next time, I promise!

Not much is happening on the adoption front, but we're making progress on the home improvement front!

Last Saturday was a gorgeous day, so we got outside & got ourselves busy. I dug up the dead tulip bulbs in the front flowerbed in anticipation of shrub planting later this spring. David weed-whacked (how do you spell that?) behind the garage and around the A/C unit and sprayed everything down with weed killer to start the process of cleaning up and getting ready to mulch. We then spent about three hours cleaning the garage. What a mess! We threw out so much trash - it was amazing the stuff that we were holding on to! We also put stuff up into the attic storage - what a difference it makes out there to clear the floor.

We've also made decisions about paint colors for inside the house. We're getting a few bids to have it painted before we fully decide if this is going to be a DIY project or not.

Slow and steady wins the race, right?


  1. Holy Moly! You guys got a lot of stuff accomplished. I never seem to get several hours in a row to just DO stuff like that. I always feel like I'm working in little bursts. But you're totally right...slow and steady wins the race!

    What all rooms are you painting? I am thinking I'm going to tackle that one remaining wall of panneling, right along my stairs. I have to rent scaffolding and everything, which is why it's not done yet. Bah.

  2. We're looking to paint the living room, laundry room, kitchen, stairway, loft, half bath, and guest room.

    The bid we got last night was lower than anticipated, so we may just be able to hire this job out - what a relief that would be!
